Monday, March 14, 2016

Mormon Sexuality Crisis

There are many topics that Mormonism "infects" that I can get passionate about.  This one hits deeply and personally.  I don't link to other sites or articles pretty much anytime, but this one had many of my own thoughts strewn throughout and I only got through the original post and the first comment.

Utah has declared pornography a public health crisis.

Simply put: Mormonism has created this crisis.

Sexual repression is at the core of modern Mormonism.  The above reddit thread is a direct representation of me (possibly without a few sidenotes, such as the current porn users becoming the next generation of bishops and other leaders).

There is absolutely nothing wrong with embracing one's sexuality.  Absolutely nothing.  The article linked above focuses on hetero males, but I think it is relevant to everyone.  It may be more relevant to males because males may be more inclined to express their sexuality more intensely and earlier on.
What the "morg" has chosen to identify as a "crisis" is about 180 degrees off course.  It chooses to deflect responsibility and also chooses to lay the blame solely on outside, "evil" forces that seek to upend the work of their God.

I humbly disagree.  While pornography may have the potential to negatively affect relationships, the majority of users don't allow it to do so.  In fact, I posit that only sexually repressed users allow it to consume their lives.  How do they get to that point? Read the linked thread.  There is a religious, authoritarian cycle that keeps them controlled. Because many porn users aren't suppressed by an authoritarian, religious regime, they don't find it to be their only sexual outlet.  Because porn isn't their only outlet, they don't find porn to control their lives.

It is truly saddening that I found myself caught up in this suppression.  I liken it to having Mormon leadership put their polished, leather dress shoe on my head, while my head lays on the corner of a curb and I lay there grimacing for relief.  My only relief would be at the mercy of the leadership.  That is no way to live.

I realize this isn't everyone's experience.  I realize many are capable of suppressing their sexuality and avoiding expressing it normally.  It isn't an absolute.  I will concede that point only to caveat it with the fact that a healthy male does express it.  A healthy male expresses and explores and releases their sexuality during and throughout maturation and beyond.  As TBM parents, you are continuing the cycle.  As TBMs, you are heeding the counsel of ignorance.  You are heeding the counsel of many men likely to have gone through what your teenage boy is going through.

Of course there are boundaries.  I don't expect a "True Blue Mormon," or "True Believing Mormon" to allow their 14 year-old to go have sex on their first date, especially when Mormons don't date until they're 16 (ugh).  Yet, maybe (and I am preaching to myself here, its new ground for me too) we allow our kids to be kids.  Teach them to be safe.  Teach them where real danger lies, i.e., STDs, teen pregnancy... I know, I made a big leap.  Maybe we could meet in the middle.  Education is important, but I know what you are thinking: Educating my teenagers implicates me.  Now they can read between the lines: "If mom/dad thinks it is necessary to  teach me about condoms, does that mean they expect me to use them?"  Silly parent, only suppressed teenagers think this way.

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