Monday, March 10, 2014

Amazing, dumbfounding, ashamed

So I recently decided to create an account/profile on I filled in my job history, I connected to more than I expected to and I joined some groups that I consider myself to be a part of: U.S. Air Force, Satellite type groups, a USAF Armament group, etc. A few days ago a fellow member of the USAF group posted a link to a news story about Kadena AFB hosting a drag event on the base. The news article gave a fairly neutral reporting on it, although sounded optimistic as so much of the community came out in support of the event. The gentleman posting the thread titled the thread "LOL!" and went on in no uncertain terms that he did not approve of the lifestyle and thought that the military and its leaders are going downhill because of the new policy. I decided to disagree. One by one, other group members came on and proceeded to tell me how their experience in the military, coupled with their knowledge of God's intentions and desires and plans, coupled with age-old rants and prejudices and abuses against the LGBT community was proof that the LGBT community in general was wrong and that the leaders of the nation and our Department of Defense were also wrong, and that I was also wrong and I was being intolerant and hateful toward those that disagreed with me. I am here now writing because I find it very hard personally to fight an uneven fight with people that I find to be irrational. I am also here wishing to convey something else. I find that a certain type of mindset not only espouses this hatred and intolerance but also engenders it. A subset of this certain type of mindset is louder than any other subset, however many there may be. This subset makes me embarassed for the entire mindset. Each subset represents the whole in a small part, even though many, either participating in the mindset or outside of it knows that there is a distinction. Nevertheless, embarassment is a huge emotion I battle with when it comes to identifying with this mindset. In reality, this subset of this mindset (I know, I could use better words or a better structure here) is so loud and so popular within the mindset as a whole that it is hard for many to correctly find distinct lines for other subsets to lay claim to. Because of this, I have largely disconnected myself from the mindset. I know a fundamental aspect of the mindset is that it is a personal, individual mindset. Yes, there are huge aspect that involve relationships and being involved in the mindset community as a whole, but one big aspect of identifying with the mindset is that you deal with fundamental aspects of it on a personal level. I realize this. I have not yet thrown that to the wayside. Yet, it has become much more personal and much less public. I find the embarassment of associating with the mindset in general isn't worth it. This is what I see. This is what I hear from the world. This is, sadly my state: I don't endure certain fights very long before I wave the white flag, fully realizing white flags will largely be ignored.

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