Sunday, December 23, 2012


      It's been awhile since I last wrote on here.  One big reason is because I got rid of the internet connection in my house.  Sarah has her smart phone, but I have to go somewhere to have a connection and it's usually not for blogging.  Many things are happening in our lives and I'm not sure I want to talk about any of them.  Something happened over the summer that allows me to make a decision to 'let go' of the negative actions against me or to make a certain decision to not trust certain people anymore with much of what goes on in my life.  If someone entrusted me with information, then found out I couldn't be trusted I would not have the greatest of feelings of myself.  It was a simple enough of a task, yet, the end result was indeed not something I wanted.  It's sad, really.  I am one that needs to include others in certain circles for it helps me wade through this life and all that gets thrown at me.  I don't consider it necessarily something I do for shock effect.  I may have done that in the past, but I quickly realized making big decisions doesn't equate to basing those decisions off of how others will react.
      Anyhow, I just wanted to write down some initial thoughts on it and put it out there for almost nobody to read.  Trust is a big thing in relationships.  It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, maintaining trust is important.  If you have a problem keeping your confidence, talk to the person you are maintaining it for, don't go running your diarrhea mouth to others.

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